We have been doing animation workshops, which were mainly held for children and students in Southeast Asia. Ho…
We were exhibited the Cambodia Festival which will be held at Yoyogi Park on 3rd and 4th May. I am grateful th…
Representative Nakamura was interviewed by Japan Sewerage Newspaper, and was posted it on the page of March 14…
We have cooperated and supported TBS about Animation Workshop & Short Movie screening in Phnom Penh & …
みなさん、オーガニックって知ってますか? 聞いたことはあるけど、詳しくはわからない…という方に必見。 この度、Social Compassはカンボジアで活躍されている日本人フォトグラファー木村彩湖さん(the h cre…
We received a grant from the Japan Foundation Asia Center, Phnom Penh and we held an animation workshop at Sma…
About JICA irrigation animation, it was published in various media. Thank you very much. http://www.globalnews…
We created an animation movie for the watershed irrigation management of JICA (Japan International Cooperation…